
Monday, December 17, 2012

#SayitAintSo: Obesity Is Now a Bigger Crisis Than Hunger

Now this is just ridiculous.

The parents of this child ought to be slapped.


Now, that is my first thought. However, with the rise in Obesity rates, its becoming increasingly more difficult to pinpoint exactly who is to blame in this oversized epidemic. ::puts baby powder down::

According to the British medical journal, The Lancet, obesity has grown into the world's largest health crisis, and is now the leading cause of disabilities around the world.

Soo, there's been a shift in mortality. (deaths) Children aren't dying from infectious diseases anymore thanks to updated immunizaions. Now, the world is affected by obesity!

Whaaaaaaat?! You're probably thinking, "There are more fat people than starving kids?" Not exactly:
The report revealed that every country, with the exception of those in sub-Saharan Africa, faces alarming obesity rates -- an increase of 82% globally in the past two decades. Middle Eastern countries are more obese than ever, seeing a 100% increase since 1990.
Ohhh ok.
"The so-called 'Western lifestyle' is being adapted all around the world, and the impacts are all the same," Mokdad said.
Sounds a little like 'Let's all blame the fat Americans' to me....

Anywho, this is surprising to say the least. There aren't as many charity commericals for the starving kids in [insert third world country here] anymore, but I would have never in a million years guessed this is why.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you believe the results? Leave your comments below!


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