The POTUS has spoken.
President Obama addressed the Nation last night with a plea for compromise between branches and parties. Here are the points of his speech that stood out to me:
Congress must put country before party.
Reduce taxpayers subsidies.
Elected officials must keep promises already made.
Tax reform
All parties must agree this time around or.... we all suffer!
Apple's Mac computers are slated to now be made in US.
Rid of tax loopholes
and special interest tax breaks
for the wealthy.
In order to be number one this country must invest in innovation.
If I had a shot for every time these words were spoken: Bipartisan,
Sidebar Oddites:
Random clappers: 7
Michelle and other woman power clapping. (If we can see your muscular veins you're over doing it.)
Random standing ovations
(We don't have all night.)
FLOTUS's dress: No bueno, Granny. ( All due respect.)
Someone please give John Boehner something to smile about!
Overall, the President's speech was inspiring to say the least. Hopefully, the relationship between Congress and the White House will smooth over this term in order to accomplish more for the country.
As always, I shall be standing by.